The Reimaging® Technique has been of critical help to me. Several years ago I fell into a deep emotional slump, where previously unknown fears from childhood and long before were now all consciously visible to me. They were far too deep to utilize textbook counseling or psychology to help me. Through my Reimaging consultant, I became aware of the necessity to remove great quantities of negative energy, to start allowing my innate more positive self to come through. I have utilized the Technique to remove blocks to over a hundred negative issues, and continue ongoing work. C.F., engineer, Santa Barbara, CA
Reimaging® has given me a new lease on life. It cut my anxiety and worry in half, and elevated my mood immediately. It’s a short-cut that can lower your stress level now. I am so grateful for this program, I’ll be using it from now on. Bobbi Ryals, CAC, President, Ryals & Associates, Inc. Search Services, executive recruiter 25 yrs.
Reimaging® has eliminated patterns of behavior in me I didn’t know I had! If you’re committed to long term personal growth and to walking around with many of your burdens lightened or lifted, give it a try! It’s eliminated many “past life problems” and a lot of the old ones! B.B, computer consultant, Los Angeles, CA
Santosha Nobel is an immensely talented healer, hypnotherapist and medical intuitive who has proven herself useful in a wide variety of clinical situations. Often chronic illness has multiple layers and facets that can prove to be elusive. This can be difficult to navigate even under the best of circumstances. Santosha is uniquely qualified to unravel what is often a tangled mess. With her loving presence, patience and clarity she is able to quickly identify our needs on multiple layers in our body/mind interface. I recommend my patients to her and have worked with her on my patients with amazingly, effective results. Dr. Paula Strait, Rural Medical Doctor and Assistant Professor of Family Medicine.
I feel empowered because I can see step-by step changes unfolding before my eyes. I like this method because I can see visually what is happening as I work on the seven levels. I’ve felt so powerless most of my life. Now I have a technique to take me out of victimhood. N.J.M., artist, Santa Barbara, CA
Eclectic in her choice of known and efficacious practices, modalities, ideologies and philosophies, Santosha has put together a unique powerful program. The final product, uniquely hers, and to her credit, is more potent that the sum of the individual components. It appeals across the board to adherents of disparate ideologies by using a common, seamless language of the Soul. Reimaging® is a bridge: it is a solid arch that reliably takes one to the other side, the waterfall and garden side. Once there, the vista of possibilities is unimaginable. Oguchi Nkwocha, M.D.
Since 1998, I’ve found Reimaging® to be the most comprehensive technique available. The more I work on myself, the more my life changes for the better. A great modality for those serious about self-growth and mastery, or simply getting out of your own way! C.A., Hypnotherapist, Santa Barbara, CA
I have had a life long problem with the issue of rage (due in part to long-term, persistent childhood abuse), and have tried many types of therapies (and spent a fortune) in order to find a cure. Recently, I had two Reimaging® sessions with Santosha, and I have noticed a serenity that I have not experienced before. I keep expecting the rage to re-occur at the same level it was before, but that is not happening. There is nothing else like Reimaging® out there. If you want life-changing results that really last and take place at a deep level, then I say try Reimaging®. I cannot speak highly enough of the integrity and compassion I have experienced in working with Santosha. D.M. Kardash, Windsor, CA, Legal Secretary
The most life supporting growth comes only through Reimaging®. I have invested in years of therapy, groups, est, body work, chiropractic care with energy work, Rebirthing and even over-night stays in floatation tanks with infiltrated hypnosis. I finally found the real gold I had been in search of. I am able to handle my life. The best part of it all is that I can do the Reimaging® in any situation by myself. Thanks to Santosha’s book and CDs. What a blessing. Life is good. In addition to my progress in life growth with Reimaging, I have noticed a significant difference in regards to changing old habit patterns. I no longer am as reactive emotionally to situations and incidents in every day life. I am able to handle more than I ever dreamed on with my life, and I am happy. Jennifer Collins, CMT (Massage therapist to multiple movie stars, celebrities, directors and producers), Hollywood, CA
Journey through the levels and chakras with Santosha, releasing the grip of negative thinking… the pain, the fear, the emotional reactivity. Utilize the power of intention and visualization to release the energy of negative emotions. I especially like the soothing quality of Brad’s guitar work, combined with Santosha’s soothing voice! Benjamin Graves, MD, San Diego, CA
I have purchased many programs and feel Santosha Nobel’s is not only very well done, but comprehensive and excellent! John Shebl, DDS, Salinas, CA
Ms. Davis has devised an ingenious method of self-healing and exploration that quickly and effectively allows the body-mind to let go of negative patterns. I highly recommend Reimaging to anyone who wants to increase their well-being and realize their full potential. Kamala Allen, Psychologist, Hypnotherapist, San Diego, CA