For Coaches, Nurses, Therapist, Hypnosis, and Hypnotherapists
Rise confident in your field knowing you can handle any challenge with ease.
Get Certified Now — a Real Game Changing Technique

Open all Inner Doors that block Prosperity, Abundance, Love, and Health.
Reimaging Webinar
Do you want to know more about Reimaging? Enjoy a FREE 90 minute webinar overview of the training course.
1.5 hour class on Reimaging, Kinesiology, and Focusing
Explore an integrated guided imagery and breath-work workshop with Santosha Nobel that actually clears all levels of the unconscious and subconscious mind or shadow of unwanted patterns and toxic emotions. Learn a variety of kinesiology techniques so you can measure your progress. Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing technique will be taught as a means of further exploring emotions, feelings and imagery that may arise during Reimaging.

Do fears, worries, the blues, or anger ruin the precious moments of your life?

Do you have chronic sadness, fears, trauma, and want to clear bad habits?

Would you like to start attracting more prosperity and abundance into your life?

Are you having relationship challenges or, do you want love?

Do have chronic health issues, stress, tension, chronic pain, or are overweight?

Are you challenged by over-drinking or do you want sobriety?
Reimaging Course and Audio
Product code: 9781577331667
With Shipping and Handling – $62.00
by Santosha Nobel (Author)
Reimaging is a life altering path for those serious about self improvement, self-development and personal growth. This is a realistic, comprehensive, guided imagery, deep therapy process designed to help you clear your triggers, buttons or what I call negative patterns and reprogram new ones. You are invited to begin emotional, mental, and physical healing to attract love, prosperity and success.
You can enjoy this process on your own with the Reimaging self-help course or receive consulting and coaching sessions with me or with a trained Reimaging Consultant. Call 831-747-2728 or click on Consultants on this site to find someone with whom you feel a connection.
Start attracting, intending, embracing and creating what you want in life. As you journey through the process, watch as your life measurably and amazingly transforms. This process works because it works with the laws of intention, attraction and creation.
Reimaging is sold as a self-help course that includes 2 CDs, a Laminated User Guide and a Book. For the price of just one session with a hypnotherapist or counselor you can have endless sessions in the convenience or your home or office. This program includes a CD called Your Garden by the Sea a guided imagery process for reducing stress, identifying blocks, and clearing upsets or trauma. Click above to read about this amazing audio program that’s also sold separately. The course also comes with a beautifully crafted 2nd CD entitled Reimaging that leads you step by step through the Reimaging process. Both CD’s contain lovely music, ocean sounds and frequencies to help you relax and focus on vocal guidance.
We also offer emotional coaching and release for your life, love, home, health, and career choices for your personal and business needs.
Begin your journey towards healing today.
The frequencies overlaid on this program are mostly inaudible and have been included to help you to achieve a focused, yet deeply relaxed attention. A ramping effect is included in this CD so that overlaid frequencies begin at approximately 14 hertz (beta brainwave) and ramp (or lower) to 11 hertz so that the listener achieves a deeply relaxed alpha brainwave state. At the completion of the program the frequencies again ramp up to 14 hertz to help the participant to awaken fully. Throughout the program there are subliminal frequencies that range from 3 hertz (delta brainwave) to 14 hertz (beta brainwave). These are encrypted in the sounds of the ocean that the listener hears.
Click here for more about Your Garden by the Sea
Intuitive Secrets by Santosha Nobel
Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 11am-9pm
Intuitive Secrets by Santosha Nobel include learning intuitive methods for dream interpretations, kinesiology for helping you tap into your own ability for knowing to help you with toxic emotions, health issues, keeping and attracting love, and more. Song Flower Healing is a passive method of healing subconscious patterns using unique sound healing.
To see videos and experience this form of healing or for more information please click the link below.
Click here for SongFlower Healing
Dream Interpretations
Have you ever wondered what your dreams were trying to tell you? Sometimes dreams can inspire, encourage, warn us or answer long-held questions, and provide important and very pointed personal guidance in your life. If you are one who does not remember your dreams, then your intuitive interpretations of the dreaming brain also can be an endless source of insight and guidance.
Intuitive Hits on Solutions to Health Issues
Manifesting and Attracting Love
Learn to Resolve Issues and Come Back to Love
Identify and get on Your Path to Life Purpose
Help with Career Choices, Suitable Places to Live, Financial Decisions and More

Now you can download the written Reimaging Course and audio program!
Experience overcoming any pattern or toxic emotion rapidly and easily in the comfort of your own home. Clear your mind/body/spirit of these old patterns and each time you do this step closer to your Higher Self! This revolutionary Self-Help program is now available in an easy-access format so that you can benefit from the written text and be healed by the 90-minute audio program. The audio includes special frequencies to help soothe and relax you, with beautiful sounds of the Ocean Tide, Healing music, and Narrative. Enjoy! Sorry, no refunds in small print on the downloadable version.
Download Written Reimaging Course and audio program
Buy hardback Reimaging Program with CDs.
Refund Policy: If you are not happy with any of our products you may return the product within 30 days for a full refund without shipping or restocking fees added.
Privacy Policy: Santosha Nobel and Reimaging maintain a strict privacy policy and does not share, resell mailing lists or use them for any other purpose than to inform you of future Reimaging seminars, classes and products.